The hackathon

This week has been a fairly interesting week as this is my first time participating in a hackathon organized by the school. It was held over 3 days, The first day my team and I were busy with coding the project. People did what they were assigned to do. It went smoothly. The second day was when it was evident that the integration of the project was harder that it seemed. The frontend and the backend were having some difficulties integrating the project. While I had problems integrating the machine learning code into the project. Problems that arised was me using new techniques such as pipelines in sklearn and not realising the consquences it would have. The rnn, since we did not have enough compute power, was not trained very well and thus, wrote like some would describe “a 2 year old”. But in the end we managed to integrate it all together and present it.

The final day, was the presentation day. We went first and gave our presentation. There was Annad and another data scientist, which I seemed to forgot what his name was. But the feedback was very good and showed that I still had a lot to learn. Mostly about neural networks, and maybe GANs. Although I do not know if the latter is possible, as Gans are hard to make. The winner of AI was, cdetect, a project which can recognise gun and knife images. That was very impressive indeed. As I have never ventured into image classification with machine learning. The other groups had also interesing projects such as an AI resume finder and Cosign, which I thought was very interesing. Mainly due to the fact that the application did hand recognition as using plots for training the hand signs, instead of using images.


That’s all for this week. See you next week.